Wednesday 30 March 2022



O my troubled mind,

Let me have,

Bit of peace. 

                You fear the fear,

                That invisible thing, 

                That lurks around, 

                Makes you go, 

                Round and round, 

                In the depth of darkness, 

                Unsettling me. 

I long for the serenity, 

O My troubled mind, 

Calm down. 

                    The sound of silence, 

                     In my mind, 

                     Scares me, 

                     Makes me think, 

                     What is amiss,

                     O serenity, 

                     Why you elude me, 

                     Come to me, 

                     Let me calm down. 

Thus spoke serenity :

Walk alone on the path of life, 

Stroll on green grass, 

Listen to the music full of life, 

Do not dwell over darkness, 

Search for the light. 

One thin ray of light, 

Will enlighten your path, 

Follow the ray, 

It'll lead you to me. 

                    Oh it is easy I thought, 

                     To walk on grass, 

                     And listen to music, 

                     But how do I search, 

                     For that elusive, 

                     Ray of light. 

I had nothing to lose, 

So followed her advise, 

And it made me realise, 

The grass is so soft and nice, 

People tread on it yet it smiles, 

The creators of music, 

So soulful and soothing, 

Was their life always contended, 

Joyous and blissful? 

                        Serendipity stuck, 

                        Realization came, 

                        The ray of light, 

                        Brilliant effulgence, 

                        Illuminated my path, 

                        Serenity engulfed me, 

                        Oh now I know, 

                        It was always with me, 

                        Only I myself, 

                       Had darkened the path. 

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