Wednesday 30 December 2015

Glimpse Of Gujarat Part: 5 Somnath/गुजरात दर्शन :५ सोमनाथ (The First Of Twelve Jyotirlingas)

Saurashtre Somanathamcha, Srisaile Mallikarjunam|
Ujjayinya Mahakalam, Omkaramamaleswaram||
Paralyam Vaidyanathancha, Dakinyam Bheema Shankaram|
Setu Bandhethu Ramesam, Nagesam Darukavane||
Varanasyantu Vishwesam, Tryambakam Gautameethate|
Himalaya Kedaaram, Ghrishnesamcha shivaalaye||
Etani jyotirlingani, Saayam Praatah Patennarah|
Sapta Janma Kritam papam Smaranena Vinashyati||

The twelve Jyotirlingas are so well described in the above shloka along with the power of shloka to give nirvana. Somnaath is the first amongst the twelve Jyotirlingas which every devout Hindu wishes have darshan. We had already had darshan of Vaidyanath, Tryambakam, Bheema Shankar and Grishnesh Jyotirlingas and Somnaath we will be doing now. It was the most befitting end to our first tour of Gujarat.

Dwarka to Somnaath is 237.5 km. and it takes approximately 4.5-5 hour to reach Somnaath from Dwarka via Porbandar. Porbandar is coastal city of Gujarat and District head quarter of Porbandar district. The lanes and by-lanes are dotted with ages old and brand new temples. But we chose to visit two sites for which Porbandar if famous “Gandhi ji’s birth place” and “Sudama temple”. Sudama ji was the friend of Lord Krishna. We grew up listening to the tales and folklores of their friendship. Since we did not make night halt at Porbandar thus had to go to these two places skip the beach and rest of the many worth visiting places.

The market was bustling with activity, roads were narrow thus it took quite some time to be out of the city area. We wanted to reach Somnaath before evening prayer time, so that we could get the darshan of lord Shiva the deity of Somnaath and also witness the light and sound show of the temple.

On the way we visited many temples which had their own history, and each temple had different architect influenced by then rulers, some preserved very nicely some begging for attention from ASI.
As the lunch time was approaching we told our driver to take us to an eatery which serves authentic food from that part of Gujarat. Thus we were taken to an eatery by the road side which could accommodate at least 100 patrons at a time. Vegetables were kept ready for lunch and roti were made fresh as per order. Chas was served in tall glasses and by spending just 30 rupees one could get a liter of chas. Spotlessly clean, hygienically cooked food in a kitchen where one could see ladies cooking by fire wood.

Being curious by nature I asked the owner that he has such good reputation amongst locals as well as visitors, so why not have a good air-conditioned, modern eatery? Well I am satisfied with what I have now, because in this place rich or poor both can enjoy food, where as in the place you suggest only rich will come and I do not want that, Period. I was duly chastised and enlightened. He was so correct and astute about his thinking. What an amazing meal of freshly made Bajara (Millet) roti on chulla (fire wood cooking gives a wonderful taste to Bhakri which one cannot get on gas or electric stove), served with generous amount of homemade butter, variety of vegetables and chas.

Normally one bajara roti would have been enough but the aroma of fresh roti and it’s awesome taste with butter made us order the second one. Yes we finished it and knew we had over eaten, so not dinner required. Indian hospitality is famous worldwide, but I feel Gujarati people serve with so much open heartedness and love that it floors one completely.
Having our fill we started off and our next stop was Somnaath. Journey from Dwarka to Somnaath was thrilling, joyous and relaxing. The sea view, the thin strips of sand running in sea, occasional drizzle, flocks of birds hovering over sea and the golden fields with ripe paddy crop showed us how much nature has to offer and how much variation it can have with in the distance of few kilometers.

We reached Somnaath by 4pm. Kokilaben resort is by seaside and all rooms have a balcony giving a perfect view of sea. It was time to enjoy the beauty of sea and rest a for a while before evening Aarti starts in temple.
Since mobile, cameras and any leather items were not allowed in the temple so we left all in room and headed for the temple which is 5 minutes walking distance from our resort. In fact we could see the temple from our room.

Long but orderly queue ensured that everyone gets a chance to pray. The area in the temple as well as outside is very well maintained and plenty of space is available for resting and praying at peace.
Somnaath is first of the twelve “Jyotirlingas” Hindus revere and wish to visit. The temple is situated by the side of sea in Saurashtra. Vast blue sea and its splashing waves, mingled with the chanting of mantras, sound of blowing conch, cymbal, bells, is an experience altogether different, almost ethereal, and one just does not want to leave that place.

Soaking in the aura of temple gave me feeling of calmness. Time was approaching for the light and sound show thus we headed towards the direction of open air auditorium.

The show was very good. The whole narration was an amalgamation of religious beliefs, mythology and history. Few things in today’s worlds were a bit too farfetched and to me were more of mythological than truth. But history was narrated correctly and perfectly. The colorful light falling on different parts of temple and the sea making splashing sound behind us was too surreal.

The actual era when this temple was first constructed is not documented but mention is found that after first destruction of the temple by invaders, the second time it was built some times in 649 C.E
Whatever may be age and era of construction, Somnaath temple holds venerated place in all Hindu hearts.

Somnaath temple was destroyed by invaders innumerable times and it lay in ruins till Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel started the project of building it in old chalukya style and restoring it to the glory it deserved.  The boundary of the temple is lined with Banastambh (Arrow pillars) which are the protectors of the temple and also indicators that this is the first land mass (Indian) in North from South Pole (The longitude and the latitude are also mentioned in the inscription on the Banastambh.
Somnaath is primarily a holy place for Hindu devotees and one can see many foreign tourists flocking here either due to holy tourism or simply to soak in the peace and tranquility that this place offers.

From the resort we got such a beautiful view of sea, sunset, fishermen returning after their catch of the day and some going to sea and spreading their fishing nets. It was a full pacakage deal as i call it. sea, sunrise and sunset, Oldest Jyotirlinga darshan. What more coulkd I have asked for.

We proceeded to our last stop Rajkot and on the way went to innumerable historically and religiously important places. 

Man proposes, God disposes. Outbreak and epidemic of swine flu prevented us from entering the city as we did not want to be caught by flu, thus spent the whole day at airport in Rajkot, with face masks on face and prayers in heart to the Almighty to send us back home healthy. Lord Shiva answered our prayers and we landed in Mumbai without being infected.

Blessed are those who get a chance to visit Dwarka and Somnaath. I thank my children Namita, Uday, Saurabh, Indira for the logistics and other help. I and my husband enjoyed this Gujarat visit. God willing we will go for the second Gujarat visit some times.

Thankyou Gujarat and the Gujarati people for such a rich, satisfying and wonderful experience.
The Sea just After Sunset

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Glimpse Of Gujarat Part:4 Dwarka and Beyt Dwarka/गुजरात दर्शन :४ द्वारका

What we saw on the way to Dwarka was an eye opener. The devotion towards Lord Krishna, the philanthropy, the faith and the orderly way of the processions of scores of people coming from all part of Gujarat, yet no traffic jams, no unruly behavior or any untoward incident, was self-explanatory to the life style of people of Gujarat in general.

Holi the festival of colors was  just two days away and people from all over Gujarat were thronging to Dwarka to welcome Lord Krishna and Rukmani along with Radha and play Holi with them. This is the tradition going for centuries and people go on foot carrying palki (palanquin) of Lord. Every 1-2 km. camps with medical facility, fresh fruits, water, and food could be spotted.

We stopped at one such camp and despite of telling that we are travelling by car and those who are braving sun and long walk require the juicy watermelon they were serving, they requested us to partake their offering saying it is Lords Prasad, do have it. Their love and selfless service floored us.

The 6 hour drive was as enjoyable as it could get. As far as possible, I prefer road journey to rail or plane, as I get to see the county side, interact with local people, learn about their culture and of course have the local food.

Some parts were dry and parched but some stretches where rain God smiles more,  we could see paddy field and coconut grooves. Birds local as well as migratory live in peaceful coexistence with human.

The desire to reach Dev Bhoomi Dwarka was so intense that we decided not to stop for lunch and make do with the fruits and other eatables we were carrying.

The county side is dotted with wind mills and each and every village gets electricity 24x7. Amazing achievement by Gujarat Govt. and visionary then CM Mr. Narendra Modi! I am an apolitical person thus can appreciate good work and criticize wrong doing without hesitation. Proof of the prosperity due to good roads and wind energy is in seeing this place.

The sea wind started blowing through the open window of car indicating approaching of Dwarka. Some people say sea route (Ferry) would reduce the travel time, but then how can one see the marvel of nature and mankind if taking shortcuts??  To be a tourist and a visitor is different. I want to be a visitor, imbibing every bit the place has to offer.

Dwarka is situated by the Arabian Sea and the whole place gives a feeling of calm and satisfaction
Our hotel was just next to the platform situated by the sea side. The view was amazing. May be my faith makes me biased but I did feel some divine, positive energy in the cluttered, lanes and by lanes of this place.

The huge platform by the seaside gives a resting place under the stars to the devotees, tourists, and people who love listening to the symphony of sea under the watchful eyes of stars from above. No body disturbs other, here life is as peaceful as it can get. It was a pleasant surprise to see shlokas of Geeta inscribed on the stones mounted on the pillars rather than politicians name being in plaques.

Nice vegetarian lunch and good rest invigorated our energy and we were ready to go to have darshan of Dwarka Dheesh (Doors of temple open by 4pm). Though preparation for Holi festival were in full swing yet everything was very orderly, queuing up after entering from Swarga Dwaar (Door to heaven) to exit from Moksha Dwaar. We had nice darshan while the evening Aarti (prayers) were going on. Since it was past 6 pm the boat ride to Gomati River was stopped for the day, but then that gave us a chance to quench our thirst of having darshan again. Such is the attraction of that place that one does not want to leave.

Till now I did not even notice the beautiful carvings, pillars, and the huge Pataka (Flag) atop the highest point of (170 feet) of the temple. (It was just Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare)

The changing lights of the temple façade, the flowing Pataka, the chanting of hymns, all add to the mystic glory of the temple and its surrounding.

My heart was saying please stay here, but we had to go to Byet Dwarka the next day and the driver had to take good rest thus we left and sat by the seaside to enjoy the breeze and beauty of splashing waves of Arabian sea.

To go to Byet Dwarka one has to travel almost 40 km, public transport is available till jetty, from there we had to take ferry for Beyt Dwarka. The co-existence of Mosque and Lord Krishna abode in the sma small island is indicative of unity in diversity in Hindustan (India).

The flock of hundreds of sea birds, huge waves rocking the ferry and the birds eating out from our hand was an amazing experience. I was too excited and once again the child within me was awakened, I fed the birds popcorn, I shrieked when they came too near, I clapped when they caught nuts thrown in air and I clicked as many phots as I could. I was mesmerized.

Getting down from ferry we hailed an auto to go to the temple which was on the height and 1-2 km away. It was very bright and hot so the to and fro auto.

The temple is so serene, beautiful place, exquisite carving, the architect of golden era of this place cannot be described in words. One has to see to understand the aura of the place and appreciate it.
Surprisingly there were no priests (agents of God as I call them) harassing the visitors and faithful. Certain fixed number of people are allowed turn by turn and given a tour of the place and one is free to worship, pray for as long one wants. Everything is maintained by the temple trust, no charges are levied for any services rendered.

Photography inside is not allowed, but then who wanted to spend time in taking picture in such a place? Certainly not me, I wanted to see every minute thing, listen to the person guiding us through the temple premise and pray to Lord for prosperity and peace.

Second visit to Dwarka is in my mind and I intend to spend a week there, exploring the area and learning about the history and archeological facts of the city, Dev darshan being integral part of the visit. Lord Krishna I was besotted by you since childhood. I feel privileged that I could visit this Dev Bhoomi, one of the Chardhaams with my husband.

Being one of the four Dhaams (lords residing place) this place boasts of many centuries old temples. It is said that after Byet Dwarka one must visit Radha and Rukmani temple. 

This completed our parikrama of Dwarka.
How can I go away from sea side without watching sunset (being in west sunset could be seen by seaside very nicely) thus the evening was spent near Shiva temple and we feasted our eyes to a beautiful sunset with fishing trawlers in the sea and huge waves splashing the rocks.

Tomorrow we have to leave early in the morning for Somnath and on the way see all the temples and listen to the fables, the temples in this district are many centuries old and have their own history.

On the parting note: To all those who believe and propagate that Lord Krishna had 16800 wives, well it is a misconstrued story. Lord saved on the of Narhar Chaturdashi (Narak Chaturdashi) the 16000 ladies imprisoned by Cruel King Narhar (also called Rakshasa Narhar) and they regarded Lord Krishna as their savior and Like their husband. Krishna never married so many wives. He had Rukmani and Satyabhama (and according to different holy books 6 more) as wife. Radha was an ardent devotee and took an oath of taking Lord as her husband and never married. She devoted her life to Krishna thus is worshipped with Krishna.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Glimpse Of Gujarat Part : 3 Mandvi/गुजरात दर्शन :३मांडवी

On the way back from Rann of Kutch “The White Desert” we were discussing our plan when our driver Manish intervened and asked us if we were open to suggestions and changing our itinerary. Well we saw no harm in listening to what he was suggesting, so answered in affirmative. 

He suggested we check in the hotel in Bhuj and immediately leave for Mandvi, which is historically very important place and has a nice sea beach, also on the way there are many Vijay Vilas palace and a famous Jain temple.

Beaches are my weakness and to my ears his suggestion sounded like Christmas bells. My husband gave in to my imploring and thus we soon saw ourselves on the way to Mandvi.

We certainly did not regret our decision. Manish became our driver cum guide for this tour. He first took us Jain temple which is in Koday. This temple is made of marble and has 72 Shrines. 

The whiteness of the stone was so soothing to eyes. A piece of art I would say this place is. Food is served for any and every body visiting this place. The migratory birds perched atop the temple domes were adding to the beauty of this place.

After visiting this beautiful, calm and quite 72 Jinalaya temple we were taken to the temple of freedom fighter Sri ShayamaJi Krishna Varma memorial. It is a tribute to the pioneer of freedom fight and a great son of India.

Varma ji’s last wish was that his and his wife’s ashes to be brought to independent India. His wish was fulfilled by then CM of Gujarat Shri. Narendra Modi. It is befitting tribute, which is replica of his London home, where he gave shelter to numerous freedom fighters and fought for freedom from British rule.

Spotlessly clean, well maintained with lush green garden it has not only the photos and articles on display but also an audio-visual room where documentary picture of Varma Ji life is shown with a commentary in Gujarati/Hindi/English. It was an awe inspiring visit.
We were hungry and wanted to eat authentic local food, thus were driven through a maze of by lanes of Mandvi to a place most frequented by locals for its neatness and hygienic and hospitality by the owner. 

The sumptuous food we were served can be seen in the pictures below. The variety of savories and sweets served with bajara roti, puri and unlimited buttermilk was the best food we had had in Bhuj so far. The food is served with dollops of love and the hospitality of the owner is to be marveled at.

After having our fill we headed to Vijay Vilas palace. Maharao of Kutch Shri Khengarji built it for summer retreat for his son and heir to kingdom Yuvraj Shri Vijayaraji and was named after him as Vijaya Vilas Palace. It was completed in nine years (1920-1929).

This palace has a wonderful balance of the architect of Rajput, Bengal, Rajasthan, Saurashtra, Kutch and the plan is mainly drawn from Orchha and Datia palaces. The soothing sandstone, jalis, jharohas, chataris, colored galss work, and stone carvings are exquisite work of art.  The balconies on the top of the palace have intricate jalis which give exquisite view of the surrounding. One can enjoy the beauty of nature, sea view while the cold wind blows across the balcony.

Inside the palace are the exploits of hunting, coin collection, furniture and tapestry of the past era which gives the insight to the rich cultural, artistic heritage of this royal family.

The gardens and orchards are well maintained and it also houses a marble paved water way to cool the breeze and add to the beauty of the garden. This palace is used by many film producers because of its green cover, sea view, private beach, and timeless beauty of the palace itself.

Lastly my ever favorite place ‘The Sea Beach’.

 I yet do not know why this element of nature draws me towards itself; I do get exhilarated by the view of rivers and sea. Evening tide, sea birds all around, wind mills and the decorated camels all seemed so surreal to me.  I could have stayed till dark so that I have the beach to myself (in night when the darkness falls and there are no lights the sea is amazing. Crazy Yes I am) . But then there are constraints to everything. I decided to enjoy this place and let my hair down.

A camel ride, running after the birds while the waves splashed, taking awesome pictures and going to most secluded area to listen to the sea, it was all thrilling and satisfying.

I had heard from a fellow tourist that he had spotted red flamingoes and other migratory birds on the way. I silently wished God to let me also have the luck to see them. Ah ha ha there are they I shouted and asked the driver to stop by the road side. These birds were busy foraging for their food unmindful of the noise and hustle bustle of the city. God has been so kind to me. I clicked few pictures. 

Immensely satisfied by the days visit we went straight to hotel to get ready for dinner with Surabhi kale.
Oh yes! We did not forget to thank Manish before relieving him for the day, for suggesting Mandvi visit and being so patient with me, for I ask to stop every now and then to take pictures.
I would suggest every person going to Gujarat should make a day visit to Mandvi (One can stay in beautiful cottages and sea facing hotel if desired so), you will not regret it.