Thursday 3 December 2015

Glimpse Of Gujarat Part : 3 Mandvi/गुजरात दर्शन :३मांडवी

On the way back from Rann of Kutch “The White Desert” we were discussing our plan when our driver Manish intervened and asked us if we were open to suggestions and changing our itinerary. Well we saw no harm in listening to what he was suggesting, so answered in affirmative. 

He suggested we check in the hotel in Bhuj and immediately leave for Mandvi, which is historically very important place and has a nice sea beach, also on the way there are many Vijay Vilas palace and a famous Jain temple.

Beaches are my weakness and to my ears his suggestion sounded like Christmas bells. My husband gave in to my imploring and thus we soon saw ourselves on the way to Mandvi.

We certainly did not regret our decision. Manish became our driver cum guide for this tour. He first took us Jain temple which is in Koday. This temple is made of marble and has 72 Shrines. 

The whiteness of the stone was so soothing to eyes. A piece of art I would say this place is. Food is served for any and every body visiting this place. The migratory birds perched atop the temple domes were adding to the beauty of this place.

After visiting this beautiful, calm and quite 72 Jinalaya temple we were taken to the temple of freedom fighter Sri ShayamaJi Krishna Varma memorial. It is a tribute to the pioneer of freedom fight and a great son of India.

Varma ji’s last wish was that his and his wife’s ashes to be brought to independent India. His wish was fulfilled by then CM of Gujarat Shri. Narendra Modi. It is befitting tribute, which is replica of his London home, where he gave shelter to numerous freedom fighters and fought for freedom from British rule.

Spotlessly clean, well maintained with lush green garden it has not only the photos and articles on display but also an audio-visual room where documentary picture of Varma Ji life is shown with a commentary in Gujarati/Hindi/English. It was an awe inspiring visit.
We were hungry and wanted to eat authentic local food, thus were driven through a maze of by lanes of Mandvi to a place most frequented by locals for its neatness and hygienic and hospitality by the owner. 

The sumptuous food we were served can be seen in the pictures below. The variety of savories and sweets served with bajara roti, puri and unlimited buttermilk was the best food we had had in Bhuj so far. The food is served with dollops of love and the hospitality of the owner is to be marveled at.

After having our fill we headed to Vijay Vilas palace. Maharao of Kutch Shri Khengarji built it for summer retreat for his son and heir to kingdom Yuvraj Shri Vijayaraji and was named after him as Vijaya Vilas Palace. It was completed in nine years (1920-1929).

This palace has a wonderful balance of the architect of Rajput, Bengal, Rajasthan, Saurashtra, Kutch and the plan is mainly drawn from Orchha and Datia palaces. The soothing sandstone, jalis, jharohas, chataris, colored galss work, and stone carvings are exquisite work of art.  The balconies on the top of the palace have intricate jalis which give exquisite view of the surrounding. One can enjoy the beauty of nature, sea view while the cold wind blows across the balcony.

Inside the palace are the exploits of hunting, coin collection, furniture and tapestry of the past era which gives the insight to the rich cultural, artistic heritage of this royal family.

The gardens and orchards are well maintained and it also houses a marble paved water way to cool the breeze and add to the beauty of the garden. This palace is used by many film producers because of its green cover, sea view, private beach, and timeless beauty of the palace itself.

Lastly my ever favorite place ‘The Sea Beach’.

 I yet do not know why this element of nature draws me towards itself; I do get exhilarated by the view of rivers and sea. Evening tide, sea birds all around, wind mills and the decorated camels all seemed so surreal to me.  I could have stayed till dark so that I have the beach to myself (in night when the darkness falls and there are no lights the sea is amazing. Crazy Yes I am) . But then there are constraints to everything. I decided to enjoy this place and let my hair down.

A camel ride, running after the birds while the waves splashed, taking awesome pictures and going to most secluded area to listen to the sea, it was all thrilling and satisfying.

I had heard from a fellow tourist that he had spotted red flamingoes and other migratory birds on the way. I silently wished God to let me also have the luck to see them. Ah ha ha there are they I shouted and asked the driver to stop by the road side. These birds were busy foraging for their food unmindful of the noise and hustle bustle of the city. God has been so kind to me. I clicked few pictures. 

Immensely satisfied by the days visit we went straight to hotel to get ready for dinner with Surabhi kale.
Oh yes! We did not forget to thank Manish before relieving him for the day, for suggesting Mandvi visit and being so patient with me, for I ask to stop every now and then to take pictures.
I would suggest every person going to Gujarat should make a day visit to Mandvi (One can stay in beautiful cottages and sea facing hotel if desired so), you will not regret it. 


  1. Great information you have shared here, through this post. Thanks and keep sharing such valuable updates through your side.

    4 Star Resorts in Bhuj

  2. Pictures are nicely taken. Couple of takeaways- 1. Need good guide/like you got, who can convince to change iternary. 2. Will visit Mandvi one day...

  3. Pictures are nicely taken. Couple of takeaways- 1. Need good guide/like you got, who can convince to change iternary. 2. Will visit Mandvi one day...

  4. Thank you Pawan. Yes Mandvi is a place must visit for it has immense historical importance, which remained obliterated for years after independence.
