Tuesday 15 December 2020

Visit To Tulip Gardens In Holland (Michigan USA)

Niagara Falls and the White water walk by Niagara river side enthralled us with its beauty, deceptive calmness, huge waves crashing on centuries old rocks making roaring sound, it also instilled some fear of the raw power water has. I felt like nature is sending message to humanity that I am beautiful, I am meant to be enjoyed and make good use of, but if you interfere or disrespect me then my fury and wrath will be your nemesis.

After restful sleep next day we were ready to leave for Holland (Michigan USA).  Drive through the winding broad roads, was very pleasing and enjoyable.  It was sunny day with clear sky and crisp air, best weather to enjoy the garden and outdoor activity. The Windmill garden is spread over 36 acres of land. Bright beds of tulip and a beautiful gate led us to white hut “The Visitors Welcome Area”. 

Tickets were purchased from the counter and brochures collected, we headed to the open arms of calming, beautiful garden.

As I said in my earlier articlehttps://mylifesandstories.blogspot.com/2020/12/visit-to-niagara-falls-canada.html that winters had spilled over to spring season. Even in the month of May snow and cold weather was persisting, not an ideal weather for Tulip blooming, thus we had our fingers crossed, praying that we get to see the Tulip in full bloom.

When we entered the garden area my dream of seeing my favorite flowers in its full glory came true.  Even though the flower beds were not as full as we expect them during Tulip festival yet they were neither empty nor wilted,thus filling the visitors with happiness.  In fact they seem to be saying ‘let the weather play tantrums we have strong will power to bloom and welcome you all with open arms.’

I was clicking the photo every now and then when I was told “Mom this is just starting, just a teaser the real full beds of Tulip are ahead so have patience and move ahead”.  But I was like an innocent child who when gets its favorite candy starts drooling even before it is unwrapped.

The garden is replete with display of old artifacts of historical importance and artwork displaying the Dutch heritage. 

The lady at the Old Dutch printing press (which is maintained in working condition), was more than happy to explain to the visitors how the machine functions by giving practical demonstration.  

The historically important Street Organ, built by famous organ maker Carl Frei in 1924, was donated by city of Amsterdam out of gratitude to US, for its role in liberating Netherlands in WW II. It required restoration so it was dismantled and sent for restoration. After years of work when it returned with its former glory it was given a home in 1997 where it is kept now. This organ is played 10 times a day during tulip festival season. It’s melodious music in that floral surrounding was having hypnotic effect, No words to describe the feeling I had at that moment.

A bridge of old architect, windmill, the river, dyke, pond and sculptures showing Dutch beauty and culture and heritage was transporting the visitors to the Dutch countryside.  I was feasting on the beauty of each and every thing and was capturing it in camera for posterity.

Windmill Island gives a palate of colors with green grass, colorful Tulips, daffodils, larkspur, and many exotic varieties of colorful flowers. It also takes pride in having the only working authentic Dutch windmill in USA. The” De Zwaan windmill”.

The residents of this beautiful city wanted to create an authentic feel and aura of Dutch village, thus were keen on bringing the Dutch heritage “A windmill” from Netherland. It was the Dutch govt. who acceded to the request of the Michigan authorities and consented to dismantling of dysfunctional WW2 era windmill and be transported to Holland (Michigan) for installation. The windmill has been brought from Netherlands in 1962, installed in this garden, and was open for public viewing in 1964. This wind mill is five storied in which the farmers gallop in their horse or drive their carriages to deliver the wheat. The sacks of wheat are taken to the top floor by a lift again operated by wind. The flour from the grain is sold in the shops in the garden shopping cum recreational area.

Going for a guided tour of the mill would have been desirable but because of paucity time we skipped it. Thus we went around the area around the mill and then crossed the bridge to reach the vast expanse of the Tulip beds. These beautiful red, pink, yellow, orange, violet, white colors of beds reminded me of the Hindi movie “Silsila” in which Rekha and Amithabh Bachchan had romanced amongst the Tulip beds of Kashmir (India).

There were some buds of blue Tulips but they were yet to bloom. Birds were enjoying the nectar of variety of flowers, ducks were seen in and around the pond and butterflies were flitting around the flowers and children were playfully noisy. The whole scenario was very captivating and delightfully fascinating.

I was wondering about the two different beautiful aspects of nature and its calmness. Where on one hand Niagara Falls and White water walk was immensely enjoyable, beautiful, thrilling and deceptively calm, instilling respect for the power of nature, on the other hand the floral beauty was truly calming, soothing side of nature, where birds, butterfly, human and every living being  could enjoy the playful welcoming nature of Nature. Everything was looking so innocently beautiful as if saying do not fear come near me and feel my love.

After going around the flower beds and feasting on their beauty marveling at the creation of God we all were seeking food so we headed to the eating area. The huge hall has children and elders dressed in Dutch costume serve authentic Dutch food. The food, little girls and boys fritting from one table to other to serve the customers and bowing so politely was an experience to be membered always.

After satiating our hunger and thirst we exited to the shopping and recreational area. Again this neatly maintained area compliments the Dutch aura created by the authorities. Nice curios, and artifacts are in display and one is spoilt for choice.

This area is also surrounded by Tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus, Larkspur, and many different species of plants and flowers. Many flowers are labeled with their botanical and common name. The icing of the cake was authentic, antique wooden, kiddie carousel (which was brought in 1970 from Holland) and merry-go-round. The ride was enjoyed without fear, by our grandson Ajay giggling away all the time.

After resting a bit we headed to the Veldheer Garden  which was started as a hobby by Vern Veldheer by planting few hundred bulbs in 1950 and now after years it has more than 5million  bulbs planted each year. This garden is maintained by Veldheer family.  Brightly colored wooden shoes, children and elders in traditional Dutch cloths surrounded by brightly colored rainbow of tulip beds was giving an indication of the cultural richness of the Dutch people. 

Evening had approached and eyes satiated, heart full of happiness and mind enthralled and enchanted by nature and its different, beautiful powerful facets we headed to back to Chicago.

I am thankful to Almighty for blessing me with such a wonderful children, becauseof them we could make this trip. The wonderful memories of time spent together, works as tonic for maintaining a healthy body and mind during these depressing Covid time.