Monday, 12 October 2020

Aloe Vera Oil for Hair fall, Aches and Pains

Aloe Vera Oil 

Experience with research and experimenting has taught me to be a patient and keep trying. I have Aloe Vera plant in a pot, when ever my knees, legs were painful I would cut a leaf, take the gel from it and massage my legs /knees /back with it and it gave relief from pain. I used the gel for hair fall also. 
I knew about the anti-inflammatory property of onion, carom seeds, garlic ginger etc. So I started making oil which would be helpful in pain relief as well as for falling hair and for improving the texture of hair. 
Garlic gave such strong smell to oil that I could use it hair. So I removed garlic as ingredient and used onion, aloevera and carom seeds and ginger. Finally I got an oil which has pain releaving property as well as reduces hair fall. The texture of hair also becomes very smooth after applying this oil. I have been using this oil for almost a year now. So it is well tested. 

Preparation Time : 30 minutes 
Making Time : 50 minutes
Makes 300 ml. Oil 

Ingredients Required To Make The Oil :
  • 5 Aloe Vera leaves 
Aloe Vera leaves 
  • 250 ml Coconut oil 
  • 100 ml Sesame oil 
  • 4 Teaspoons Carom seeds (Ajwain) 
  • 4 Tablespoons Onion paste 
Directions For Making Oil :
  • Cut Aloe Vera leaves from sides. Carefully remove the upper green cover and scoop all gel from the leaves. 
Different Stages of extracting gel 
  • Peel onion and cut to pieces. Pulse it in grinder /mixer to give fine paste. Do not add water. 
  • In a big thick bottom container take 

 Oil, Onion paste, Aloe Vera gel, Carom seeds 
  1. 250 ml coconut oil 
  2. 100 ml Sesame seed oil 
  3. Onion paste 
  4. Carrom seeds 
  • Keep the container with oil and herbs on medium heat and let the oil mixture start to bubble. 
Oil and herbs bubbling on low heat 

Mixture cooking on low heat 
  • Once it starts bubbling bring the heat to low and cook with regular stirring. 
  •  The mixture will start foaming. Switch off the heat and let it cool a bit for foam to settle down. Then again bring the heat to low and cook with stirring. 
Stage when heat to be switched off 
  • Repeat this process of switching off and switching on while cooking till foam appears. Do not stir vigorously. Be gentle while stirring else foam will come out of container spilling the oil. 
  • After almost 40 minutes it will be observed that the Aloe Vera gel has shrink to strips and onion paste turned light pinkish brown. 
  • Switch off the heat and allow it to cool. 
Oil ready with residue turning brown 
Residue to be discarded 

  • The oil density and color will change and residue will have turned brownish. 
  • Sieve the oil, squeeze  oil from residue as much as possible. 
  • Store this oil in any type of container you wish to. 
  • Apply this oil luke warm on scalp and hair strands. Keep for minimum 2 to 3 hrs. (I prefer 5 to 6 hrs.). 
  • Wash hair as usual. 
  • Repeat this once a week. After some time you will notice reduction in hair fall and hair texture changing to smooth silky texture. 
  • Legs, back, joints pain is relieved by massaging by this oil. 

  • For 350 ml oil I took 2lt container to make sure foam does not spill. Take bigger container till a certain degree of expertise is obtained in handling hot oil foam. 
  • Container should be thick bottom. 
  • Cook only on low heat with constant stirring. 
  • Switch off heat when residue starts turning brown, the residual heat will keep on removing the remainder moisture from gel and onion paste. 
Suggested variations :
  • 100 ml. Sesame seed oil can be replaced by 50 ml each of sesame and mustard oil. 

Thursday, 1 October 2020

"स्त्री" एक शोषित पुष्प ("Lady " A Violated Flower) "

शब्द विहीन है आज लेखनी,

अश्रु विहीन हैं नेत्र,

ज्वार भाटा का केंद्र बना हृदय,

भावनाओं का सूखा स्त्रोत।

            पृथ्वी को हम माँ कहते हैं, 

            उसको भी हमने तिरस्कृत किया, 

            इक माँ के सन्मुख उसी की गोद में, 

             उसकी पुत्री को निर्वस्त्र किया।

नयन मूंदे, कर्ण बाधित हुए, 

ना देखा उन अमानुषों को, 

जो अट्टहास कर रोंद रहे थे, 

उसके नग्न निर्वस्त्र तन को। 

                  किसी ने ना उसकी पुकार सुनी, 

                  ना दर्द रुदन ने दिल दहलाया, 

                  अरे क्या यही है जो सभ्य राज्य का, 

                  सभ्य मानुष कहलाया। 

माँ, बहन, पुत्री, पत्नी,

सब रिश्ते कभी, 

मात्र ढकोसला लगते हैं, 

क्यूँ कि: 

थोड़े दिन सब याद रहेगा, 

मष्तिष्क पटल पर चित्रित रहेगा, 

भय है सब कितनीं "निर्भयाओं" को भूले, 

तुमको भी भूल जाएंगे। 

                     क्रूर कुटिल दानवी प्रवृत्तियां, 

                     इस धरती को लज्जित कर देंगी, 

                     तुम जैसी कितनी पुत्रियाँ, 

                     दिन के प्रकाश में रोंद कर, 

                    रात्री के अन्धकार में दहन होंगी। 

और वे निर्भीक, 

निर्भयता से कुकृत्य करेंगे, 

और भी निर्भय हो जाएंगे, 

और भी निर्भय हो जाएंगे। 

                       कलयुग के इस अंधकार में , 

                       शायद कोई कृष्ण बनेगा, 

                       कभी तो शायद आज की द्रौपदी की , 

                       चीत्कार सुनेगा, 

                       तब तक शब्द विहीन है लेखनी, 

                       अश्रु विहीन रहेंगे नेत्र।