Thursday 9 August 2018

Conversation with river

What is thy name,
O mighty river,
Who flows so majestically,
And creat musical notes so pure.
I sit by your side,
Watch the confluence of nature,
And beauty created by mankind.

But do forgive me,
I forget your name,
I implore you,
Tell me what is Thy name.

Call me Yamuna,
Call me Ganga,
Call me by any other name,
I am a river.

I may look black, blue, red or white,
I may be small,
I may be big,
Yet I am called River,
And that I think, is my name.

Oh River I know,
I know you are a river,
But why are you so hesitant,
In divulging thy name?

You take offense at my failing memory?
But how can you forget,
I have grown old,
Sitting by your side.
My sight  is weakened,
My legs won't support me,
Yet I remember your majestic beauty,
I have enjoyed since my childhood,
I beg you,
Tell me what is thy name?

O lady!
I remember once my children,
Tiny, small and big,
Used to live happily,
In me.
You all creatures,
Used to enjoy my bounties,
I was called the lifeline of you all.

Unlike you I do not grow old,
Yet like yours,
My memory also fails me,
The fishes are dying,
My banks are no longer the same,
All the happy noises are gone.

I feel suffocated,
I am dying,
For reason unknown to me.

Oh lady do you know the reason?
I also implore you,
To tell me,
Why I am dying?

My memory also fails me,
Ask others what is my name,
Find out and let me also know,
What's my name.

I squished my nose,
Oh what a foul smell,
The banks are dirty,
And water soiled,
I opened my bleary eyes,
Oh who did this to my Ganga!
I hung my head in shame.

I got up eyes downcast,
Walked quietly away,
I did not have courage,
To tell her,
Her name.

Her cries,
Save me! save me!
Could be heard far away.

With folded hands,
I said;
O! Ganga Mighty Ganga,
Do me a favor one last time,
Forgive me,
My Ma! forgive me,
And I passed away.

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