Thursday, 19 April 2018

Colorful Riots

The sky was clear, such pure blue color of sky reminded me of my childhood, when gazing at sky and imagining what lay beyond that pure blue used to be best time for fertile brain of we youngsters.

The roads were lined with thick vegetation of different shape, size of trees. My son took me to my dream land. Yes it was indeed as if I have landed into the dreamland of my childhood, only this time it was earth not sky.
It was the month of October and most of the people I saw or were clad in woolens and why not the wind had a sharp nip to it. But here was I with a sleeveless dress enjoying the cold wind caressing my arms, my cheeks and blowing away my hair.

It seemed that God had painted the earth with all colors it had in its pallet. Hues of yellow, red, brown, green…..!  it was riot of colors. I always let the child within to remain alive in a small corner of my heart, just for the occasion and place like this. I danced with joy seeing and being amidst the pure, natural beauty.


The sound of river flowing at a distance in the reserve forest, the rustling of leafs due to movement of small earthy creatures could be heard, the quietness and tranquility of the place was mesmerizing and infectious. I wished the time to stop, or at least slow down, so that I could feast my eyes till they refuse to remain open, and when they indeed close I dream only and only of the beautiful site I behold in my memory.

The tall trees were yellow with sprinkling of green to remind us that they were painted initially pure green, then Mother Nature wanted to add color so sprinkled them liberally with bright yellow. Some trees got envious and went to God to complain about not getting colorful treatment by Mother Nature. Come on! do not be so jealous, go back and let me check what can be done. Thus he gave Mother Nature pallet full of blue, red, purple, maroon, pink, white, crimson color. Go and be judicious to all trees, they are your beauty, savior and life. Be impartial and of course I expect you to be most artistic. Let no plant come again to me complaining.

One by one the colors were used and none of the plants were left untouched by them. After finishing the work, much exhausted Mother Nature went to rest a bit. This was the time I first saw the beauty of Fall colors. So bright, so welcoming, nature in its full glory.

We went around the forest reserve for almost one hour.
My love for camera and taking pictures for posterity sometimes irritates people with me, but that day I was not interested in taking photos as I wanted to soak in the nature and the fresh cool air around me. I wanted to one amongst them (Trees). Camera was a obstacle that day. (My son clicked the photos).

Almighty was happy and showering all warmth and love on the savior of life on earth “The Trees”. Beauty when goes to the head can bring the downfall. Now with everyone is appreciating the colorful beauty of plants, they got little high headed. Laughing at the creatures living on then or near then, swaying fiercely with their crowning glory, toppling the nests of birds (sometimes with their eggs or little ones in them), dropping their leafs on ground in hoards thus causing darkness to the creatures snuggling there.

The cost they paid? Well it was heavy cost they had to pay.
The warmth bestowed by God was no longer there, the colors started to fade and then the Mother Nature scowled upon them. The nature was in its dark, cold mood. Blue sky was covered with white, grey and black clouds.  

With the warmth and blessing of Mother Nature gone the trees could not sustain themselves. Leafs became dull brown, and the branches started shedding them in hoards. Leafs fell on ground and got trampled upon by humans and animals walking there. They cried, snuggled with each other but to no avail. They got crushed. They could not regain their lost beauty.

Rain and snow came from above and said “Soak in me and earth will soak you and get enriched”. The oneness with soil is the penance you must do. Thus the trees were denuded of their bright foliage. When they soaked in the water and snow and learned to love the lowest of the creature, their penance was completed.
The foliage returned to the trees with full glory of green, to through the same cycle again.

Every phase of this cycle is awesome. All the adjectives in lexicon are mere words for such a marvel of nature.

Come on Ma, we are waiting for over an hour for you. His hand on my shoulder brought me out of my trance.
Oh Uday I felt like a child in dream world and wanted to shout out of happiness.
Indeed you did and loudest. You were very happy Ma.
Yes son I was very happy and the memories bring smile to my face always.

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